Are you ready to escape from the insanity that the world continues to throw at us this year?! Yeah, I feel that desire physically, mentally and spiritually hard core daily, so my boy friend and I drove to the Beartooth Mountains in Montana for a short weekend getaway. This place is where I would like to consider my second home because a wonderful family friend of mine invites me to come out each year and stay at her incredible paradise of a cabin. I'd just like to insert my immense gratefulness for her and her gracious hospitality forever and always. I really couldn't ask for a better way to comfortably and safely unplug from the urban world in the wilderness as I truly do believe nature is a humans greatest medicine. So let's dive right into the visuals of this site for sore eyes!

Day I
We arrived after dark, so the landscape beyond the cabin was no where to be seen. However, this makes for something to really look forward to seeing when waking up in the morning. Our first and only full day consisted of coffee on the back deck, a walk around the area, a few hours of reading and relaxing, a boat ride into the middle of the lake for sunset, a tasty steak dinner, the shooting of the bright night sky, and great conversation around the fire.
Where I Got My Camera Bag
The quick answer is Vinta!
For those that don't know, this camera bag is the best camera pack I've ever owned and I have owned and tried out A LOT through the last decade. Honestly, I feel it's important to just bring it up now because every time I post an image with this bad boy, at least two or three of you ask me where I got or if I recommend it. To answer that, it's a Vinta bag and yes I HIGHLY recommend it as I do very much indeed, genuinely love this bag. I'll dive into another post about that soon in an upcoming blog and/or video. But in the meantime you can check it out and shop for it by clicking right here as well as scoping out a YouTube video I created awhile back showcasing what's in my camera bag. This video can at least give you an in motion visual of the innards within.

Behind the Scenes with the Stars
I felt lucky to have gotten a clear bright night with all the fires happening out west, so obviously I was destined to take advantage of the opportunity. I hauled out and down the path from the cabin through the trees and by the water which is roughly about 150-200 yards in length. Conditions were perfect and I happily started snapping away. About 5-10 minutes went by and suddenly we hear this massive splash in the water. At first I thought it was Matt throwing a rock into the lake, but he looked back at me and immediately said he didn't do it. Initially I assumed he was joking, then I started to hear the worry in his voice. Again, another big splash occurred and we didn't stick around to see what it could have been. I have seen too many moose cross that very same vicinity many times so this star shooting journey didn't last as long as I had hoped but I did still end up getting these shots!

Day II
We were lucky to have missed the smoke from the fires out west the first day, but the second day we woke up to a haze quickly rolling in as time progressed. I wasn't mad about this either because the smoke created a really unique and dramatic atmosphere for photos. So before heading out to go back home, I spent about 45 minutes alone with my camera just taking in the last moments and bidding this paradise a temporary farewell.

Creating the Tangible
These images are officially up on my site and available to decorate your home if you wish to bring these outdoor Montana scenes inside. Click here to enter my online shop or reach out to me personally for a virtual consultation to customize the pieces & match your interior perfectly. Contact me by clicking right here.